Top 5 Local Restaurants for Summer 2021


We’re less than a month away from the official start of summer, the weather is warming up and restrictions on restaurants are being lifted. This seems like the perfect time to share some of our staff’s top 5 local restaurants for summer. After what restaurants have gone through over the past year we can’t encourage … Read more

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Dental Implants

Anatomy of healthy teeth and tooth dental implant - Reflection Dentistry - Dentist Near Me, Tumwater Dentist, Olympia Dentist

Why Dental Implants Are Your Best Option for Replacing Missing Teeth Dentists usually extract teeth for one of two reasons: extensive decay or bone loss resulting from periodontal disease. Nearly half of our adult population struggles with periodontal disease, so it’s not surprising that almost 178 million Americans miss at least one tooth. Additionally, about … Read more