Discover Our Difference: Special Care in a General Practice

When it comes to dental care, finding a practice that offers both exceptional general services and a personalized touch can make all the difference. At Reflection Dentistry in Tumwater, WA, we pride ourselves on providing special care within the framework of general dentistry. Our approach goes beyond standard treatments, focusing on building lasting relationships, offering … Read more

Risk Factors for Periodontal Disease


Nearly 50% of adults in the US over the age of 30 are impacted by periodontal disease. That percentage jumps to 70% in adults 65 and older. Looking at these numbers, it’s obvious that periodontal disease, ranging from slight to severe, is very prevalent in our society. So, what are some of the factors that … Read more

How to Prevent Bad Breath


As we’ve all been wearing masks over the past year, many of us have gotten a lot more up close with our breath and realized that it might not smell that great. While gum or mints can be handy in a bind, they are definitely only a temporary fix for bad breath (halitosis) Many people … Read more

Top 5 Local Restaurants for Summer 2021


We’re less than a month away from the official start of summer, the weather is warming up and restrictions on restaurants are being lifted. This seems like the perfect time to share some of our staff’s top 5 local restaurants for summer. After what restaurants have gone through over the past year we can’t encourage … Read more

Oral Health Effects of Menopause


Menopause, a phase of life all women must go through, yet many of the symptoms are not frequently discussed. We’re here to speak specifically about the oral health impacts of menopause on women. Not only does our oral health change as we age, but for women, menopause brings additional concerns.

What are Sealants?

Sealant applied by Cramer Dentistry in Tumwater, WA

Sealants are another line of defense against cavities, in addition to brushing and flossing. Our molar teeth have tiny grooves and pits on the chewing surface, that are so small they can’t even be cleaned with a toothbrush bristle. These small grooves are an easy hiding place for bacteria to gather and for a cavity … Read more

The link between Diabetes & Periodontal Disease

glucose test

The link between these two diseases has been studied for years and time and again a strong correlation has been found. The severity of periodontal disease increases with poor glycemic control and blood sugar levels are more difficult to regulate in individuals with periodontal disease. Periodontal disease has even been described as a complication of … Read more

What Causes Cavities? 


It’s estimated that approximately 91% of Americans over 20 years of age have had cavities at some point. In addition to this staggering statistic, nearly 30% of Americans over 20 have untreated cavities. These numbers are incredible given the fact that with preventive care most cavities can be avoided. So how exactly does a cavity … Read more