Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)

Jaw Pain - Reflection Dentistry - Dentist Near Me, Tumwater Dentist, Olympia Dentist

“Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are disorders of the jaw muscles, temporomandibular joints, and the nerves associated with chronic facial pain. Any problem that prevents the complex system of muscles, bones, and joints from working together in harmony may result in temporomandibular disorder.” (Johns Hopkins) TMD’s usually occur between the ages of 30 and 50, but can … Read more

Does Cannabis Use Negatively Impact Oral Health?


Legalization and Its Impact Washington State legalized recreational cannabis (marijuana) consumption in 2012. The increase in cannabis use since its legalization allows us to better see its effects on oral health.  As health professionals, we understand the benefits cannabis use can have in treating various ailments. However, we also need to educate consumers about its … Read more

Autoimmune Series: The Oral Health Impact of Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren’s Syndrome - Reflection Dentistry - Dentist Near Me, Tumwater Dentist, Olympia Dentist

Understanding Sjogren’s Syndrome Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that affects the moisture-producing glands. In this condition, the body’s immune system attacks these cells, causing them to stop working. Consequently, this impacts saliva glands, tear ducts, and other organs. For oral health, the primary concern arises when the syndrome affects saliva glands, thus reducing saliva … Read more

Autoimmune Series: Inflammatory Bowel Disease Effects on Oral Health

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Effects on Oral Health- Reflection Dentistry - Dentist Near Me, Tumwater Dentist, Olympia Dentist

A group of Autoimmune diseases called Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) cause chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Specifically, Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are the two main diseases identified in this group. Over time, the symptoms of chronic inflammation damage the GI tract. Consequently, this can lead to discomfort and painful symptoms for those … Read more

Autoimmune Series: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Oral Health

3D illustration of Palm painful - skeleton x-ray, medical concept - Reflection Dentistry - Dentist Near Me, Tumwater Dentist, Olympia Dentist

We’re kicking off a new blog series here at Reflection Dentistry! For the rest of 2019, we will be highlighting different autoimmune diseases bimonthly and discussing their impacts on oral health, and vice versa. Autoimmune diseases are wide-ranging diseases that affect many systems of the body but commonly, the diseases cause the body to begin … Read more

The Truth about Methamphetamines and Oral Health

Methamphetamines and Oral Health - Reflection Dentistry - Dentist Near Me, Tumwater Dentist, Olympia Dentist

This month we’re focusing on a difficult subject; drug addiction. It’s heartbreaking to hear about the rising rates of drug addiction in our country and even worse to hear about a loved one struggling with addiction. As dental professionals, we are trained to look for oral signs of drug abuse. While it may be a … Read more

The Mouth to Heart Relationship

Women Runner taking pulse - Reflection Dentistry - Dentist Near Me, Tumwater Dentist, Olympia Dentist

Many people think of hearts and Valentine’s Day when you mention February. In the medical/dental world, we think about American Heart awareness month. You’ve heard us say time and again that oral health is linked to overall health. Most individuals treat their mouth separately from the rest of their body without realizing that what goes … Read more